Dubbed the Golden Island or the Sunny Island, Grado stands out as a holiday grado destination featuring seemingly endless leisure opportunities suiting a vast range of objectives and expectations. This resort on the Adriatic Sea sees at present a rightfully increasing popularity grounded on the abundant tourist assets it capitalizes upon. Thus, natural richness and uniqueness, the modern facilities and comfort yielded by the solid tourist infrastructure, as well as an eventful agenda, all these blend into a single congruent picture which yields the successful formula so dear to tourists in search of a genuine vacation paradise. The relatively close proximity to Venice, for instance, or to other beach resorts on the Adriatic Sea, such as Lignano or Bibione, turns Grado into a place which is always worth visiting, the satisfaction of a holiday complete from all points of view being guaranteed.

Grado Accommodation

Being the increasingly popular seaside resort that it actually is, Grado could not but welcome its visitors with a wide range of accommodation solutions, from 4-star hotels to camping sites. This essential feature of the tourist infrastructure is extremely salutary to the resort, on the one hand, and to tourists, on the other hand, since thus Grado has the opportunity of uprising and standing out as a valuable tourist hub in Italy and visitors have the chance of searching out the undeniable tourist richness of the Golden Island of Italy.

Eating out in Grado

Long before the tourism boom, >Grado used to be inhabited by fishermen who made a living mainly by accepting the gifts of the sea. This historic preoccupation is nowadays mirrored by the traditional fish dishes which are now labeled as local specialties and sold as such to tourists in search of gastronomic experiences. Thus, the so-called boreto alla graisana (otherwise called boreto alla gradese), as well as the classic boreto, despite their poor peasant origin, are a source of culinary thrill particularly if they are served with polenta and washed down by the renowned red and white wines of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Seasoning the dishes with a species of asparagus, namely, Fossalon asparagus, is yet another specific feature of local cuisine. The sepe sofegae, a sort of cuttlefish stew, is also worth taking into consideration by those who want to make an adequate impression of what gastronomic specialties are about in Grado.

Grado Spa Center and Golf Club

It’s true beaches and the activities they enable stand for the ultimate tourist hotspot of Grado when it comes to tourists’ favorite way of spending time and relaxing. However, Grado features a large range of alternatives able to diversify visitors’ stays in this resort. Thus, golf enthusiasts can always resort to the services and facilities made available by Grado Golf Club. Tennis, windsurfing, sailing and horse riding alike are possible in Grado, opening new perspectives and new approaches of the manners of spending time and discovering Grado simultaneously. Aerobics and water gym are intended for those who want to spend the holiday and stay fit at the same time, whereas tourists in search of more extensive bodily treatments can always resort to the services put forward by the Grado Spa Water Park or by the Grado Spa center.

Grado Tourist Attractions

Grado is an acknowledged ancient settlement, and the fact that the history of this place comes down to more than millennial tranquil fishing activities is substantiated by the few landmarks and remains which might just as well be deemed tourist objectives. These landmarks refer to the Basilica of Santa Maria delle Grazie, dating back as early as the 6th century, to the Basilica of Santa Eufemia and to its adjoining Baptistery, and to the Barbana Sanctuary, located, as the name suggests, on the namesake island in the Grado Lagoon. Other ancient remains are still visible today, but tourists should also channel their curiosity to certain other attractions, such as the two nature reserves nearby Grado, namely, the Reserve of the River Isonzo Mouth and the Reserve of Valle Cavanata. The so-called casoni (reed roofed fishermen houses) also stand for a nice scenery so typical of the former Italian fishing villages more or less suddenly turned into tourist hotspots.

Grado Festivals and Events

Some of the cultural events to catch the attention refer to, for instance, Books and Authors under the Sunshade, to the Literary Festival Grado Giallo and to the Laguna Movies and Laguna Cartoons. The Graisana Open Race and Regatta de le Batele are also popular with sailing enthusiasts for the obvious reasons, whereas the Puppet Festival and the Perdon di Barbana are extremely tempting for a different kind of public. All in all, Grado is eventful enough to be deemed a place where things do happen.

Hotels in Grado

Ville Bianchi Hotel Ville Bianchi Grado
Villa Erica Hotel Villa Erica Grado
Residence Nauthotel Hotel Residence Nauthotel Grado
Argentina Hotel Argentina Grado
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Residences in Grado

Villaggio Ca Laguna Residence Villaggio Ca Laguna Grado
Punta Spin Residence Punta Spin Grado
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Campings in Grado

Tenuta Primero Camping Tenuta Primero Grado
Belvedere Pineta Camping Village Camping Belvedere Pineta Camping  Village Grado
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Image Gallery

Adria hotel Grado
Adria hotel Grado
Adriatico restaurant Grado
Adriatico restaurant Grado
Ai Caduti di tutte le guerre monument Grado
Ai Caduti di tutte le guerre monument Grado
Al Canevon tavern at Grado
Al Canevon tavern at Grado

Video Grado

Grado The Golden Island
Grado The Golden Island
Dike of Grado
Dike of Grado
Hotels and Apartments with sea vista at Grado
Hotels and Apartments with sea vista at Grado
Grado Fishing Port
Grado Fishing Port
Grado Old Town
Grado Old Town
Grado Town Hall
Grado Town Hall
Grado Seaside
Grado Seaside
Sea view apartments Grado
Sea view apartments Grado
Sant Eufemia Basilica Grado
Sant Eufemia Basilica Grado
Restaurants in Grado Old Town
Restaurants in Grado Old Town
Santa Maria Assunta Basilica Aquileia
Santa Maria Assunta Basilica Aquileia