Grado Festival Ospiti d’Autore is, as compared with other traditions on the island, an event which has entered the scene of the local agenda rather recently. Its first edition was held in 2009, but the festival sees an increasing popularity.

Basically, this is a music event meant to bring the public face to face with national and international artists which cultivate a large range of music genres. The event is, more precisely, held on the so-called Diga Nazario Sauro in Grado, and it was conceived, at least in part, to tourist purposes. It does not have a fixed date, but, as a rule, it begins in late June or early July, and performances are given until early August.

For complete information on the event, follow the indications featured below:

Grado Festival Ospiti d’Autore

Grado, Gorizia, Italy

Grado, Gorizia, Italy

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